graduated in painting and graphic arts at the Staedel-Schule Frankfurt /Main in 1981 with Johann Geyger. He currently lives and works at the Frankfurt Main area, represented amongst others by based in Seligenstadt.
Since graduation his works have been shown at various well known institutions such as the Neue Nationalgalerie Berlin, the Haus der Kunst Munich, the Lehmbruckmuseum Duisburg, the Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCAK )Krakow, the Torrance Art Museum, Torrance (USA) and are represented in the Henkel Collection, the Berger Collection, the Municipal Collection Schweinfurt and the MOCA Miami, among others.
In his works he pays special attention to the semantics of everyday phenomena and emphasizes their mutability in the artistic process. In his collages and tempera paintings on canvas as well as in the Works on glass he integrates for this purpose memory objects such as photos, newspaper clippings, gauze and old fabrics. In terms of content and form, the works address the principle of palimpsest and re-cycling – i.e. the constant overwriting of existing historical and in part personal material.
Livre Unique 7, 12. September-5. November, Topographie de L’Art, 15, rue de Thorigny, 75003 Paris (France)

Kultursommer Südhessen, 16. +17. September 2023 Tage des offenen Ateliers: meet Rainer Dissel at Art & Design Studio Dissel in Seligenstadt; open10-16